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“The Serbian Attorney Association was formed with the overarching goal of strengthening community ties among Serbian members of the legal profession in America. By addressing challenges and creating opportunities, the organization aims to benefit not only its members but also the broader Serbian-American community and the public at large.”

Recently, we heard from Ilijana Todorovic of New Orleans, Louisiana, about a newly formed organization, the Serbian Attorney Association. They have now officially gone live with their website at: They optimized the site in both Serbian and English languages.

“I am happy to share that we have received amazing feedback from across the country. And the initial wave of members that have already joined us by far surpassed our expectations! But our social media posts have a very limited reach -- and we certainly need help with spreading the news,” said


Founded in 2023, they describe themselves as the first mission-based non-profit national organization bringing together attorneys and law students of Serbian descent

residing in the United States.

“Our organization was formed with the overarching goal to strengthen community ties among the Serbian members of the legal profession in America. Together, we will address challenges and create opportunities that benefit the broader Serbian-American community and the public at large.”

The website tells us, “The Serbian Attorney Association is a national organization comprised of attorneys and law students of Serbian descent residing in the United States. The Serbian Attorney Association was formed with the overarching goal to strengthen community ties among the Serbian members of the legal profession in America. Together, the Serbian members of the legal profession will address challenges and create opportunities that benefit the broader Serbian-American community and

the public at large.”

Ilijana, originally from Banja Luka, serves as vice-president of internal and external affairs for the SAA. She practices highstakes personal injury litigation in the maritime, offshore, and trucking industries, and is licensed in Louisiana, Texas, New York and Washington, DC. She is fluent in Serbian, English, and Spanish and has a working proficiency in German. Before her law career she played professional basketball in Europe.

You can learn more about Ilijana and the other founders and officials of the new organization on their website.

Serbian Attorney Association (2).png

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