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Introducing the Serbian Attorney Association: A new non-profit organization for Serbian-American attorneys and law students

ST. LOUIS, MO — We are pleased to announce the formation of the Serbian Attorney Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and strengthening the Serbian-American legal community in the United States. This organization is comprised of attorneys and law students of Serbian descent, with a mission to foster professional growth, mentorship, networking, and collaboration among its members.

The Serbian Attorney Association was formed with the overarching goal of strengthening community ties among Serbian members of the legal profession in America. By addressing challenges and creating opportunities, the organization aims to benefit not only its members but also the broader Serbian-American community and the public at large.

The Serbian Attorney Association’s mission is multifaceted. The organization will provide training and continuing legal education (CLE) opportunities to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its members, and will contribute to the professional growth of its members by promoting their successes. Building mentorship programs and placements for law students and attorney members will also be a priority. By hosting virtual and in-person networking events, the Serbian Attorney Association will foster the exchange of ideas and information and will create a network of legal service providers for referral purposes—all with the goal to assist individuals and organizations in the Serbian-American community to navigate through legal challenges in the United States. Recognizing the importance of encouraging intergroup support and network expansion, the organization will partner with other attorney affinity groups and cultivate collaborative relationships among its members and other Serbian-American professionals in the United States.

Aleks Ostojic Rushing, President of the Serbian Attorney Association, expressed her excitement about the launch of the organization. “The creation of the Serbian Attorney Association marks a significant milestone for the Serbian-American legal community,” she said. “My fellow board members, Ilijana Todorovic, Gabrielle Dzwinyk, and Aleksandra Gasich, and I are thrilled by the energy and enthusiasm that our organization has generated among practitioners of all generations from all parts of the United States. Together, we can strengthen our community and pave the way for a brighter future for the Serbian-American legal profession.”

The Serbian Attorney Association invites all attorneys and law students of Serbian descent as well as friends of the Serbian-American community to join the association and contribute to the realization of its mission.

For more information about the Serbian Attorney Association and to become a member, please visit the website at the following link or contact its board via email at


About the Serbian Attorney Association:

The Serbian Attorney Association is a non-profit national organization comprised of attorneys and law students of Serbian descent residing in the United States. The organization aims to strengthen community ties among the Serbian members of the legal profession in America, address challenges, and create opportunities that benefit the broader Serbian-American community and the public at large.

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