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Perspectives on Practice Series: A Day in the Life of a Transactional Attorney

сре 21. авг


Virtual Presentation

We are delighted to announce the upcoming installment of our Perspectives on Practice Series!

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Perspectives on Practice Series: A Day in the Life of a Transactional Attorney
Perspectives on Practice Series: A Day in the Life of a Transactional Attorney

Time & Location

21. авг 2024. 12:00 – 13:00 GMT-5

Virtual Presentation


About the event

Join us for the next installment of our Perspectives on Practice Series: A Day in the Life of a Transactional Attorney.


Our panel will feature two distinguished transactional attorneys and members of the Serbian Attorney Association:

  • Andrija Stanojcic, Counsel, Commercial Law Group at Halliburton, and
  • Dasha Hodge, Counsel at Akin.

The panelists will shed light on their daily professional life, sharing insights about their roles, key responsibilities, and the challenges and rewards that come with their positions from both an in-house and outside counsel perspective.

The moderated panel discussion will also provide an opportunity for live Q&A, allowing you to engage directly with the speakers.


This session is offered exclusively to members of the Serbian Attorney Association: attorneys, law students, and friends of the organization.

This is a FREE event, but registration is required.

This unique event is designed to provide our members with an intimate look at the intricacies of transactional law practice through the experiences of esteemed peers in the field. We look forward to seeing you there!

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