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An Attorney’s Guide to the Expert Witness

чет 11. јул


Virtual Presentation

We are thrilled to announce our third virtual event!

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An Attorney’s Guide to the Expert Witness
An Attorney’s Guide to the Expert Witness

Time & Location

11. јул 2024. 12:00 – 13:00 GMT-5

Virtual Presentation


About the event

The Serbian Attorney Association is pleased to announce an insightful and educational presentation led by The Honorable Branko Terzic, a distinguished figure with an extensive background in regulatory and legal proceedings. As a former Commissioner of the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Commissioner of the State of Wisconsin Public Service Commission, and Chairman of the State of Wisconsin Racing Board, Dr. Terzic brings unparalleled expertise to the table. Currently, he also provides expert witness training for the EUCI, making him exceptionally qualified to guide our members through the intricacies of working with expert witnesses. This event is designed to equip our members with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively select, prepare, present, and cross-examine expert witnesses, thereby enhancing their litigation strategies and courtroom performance.


Attendees can look forward to a comprehensive and practical session that covers the following key areas:

1. Selecting an Expert Witness: Learn the essential criteria and considerations for choosing the right expert witness for your case, including qualifications, credibility, and relevance to the subject matter.

2. Preparing the Expert Witness: Discover strategies for effectively preparing your expert witness for deposition and trial, ensuring they can present their findings clearly and withstand cross-examination.

3. Presenting the Expert Witness: Gain insights into the best practices for introducing and presenting your expert witness in court, including how to frame their testimony to support your case narrative.

4. Cross-Examining the Expert Witness: Understand the techniques for cross-examining opposing expert witnesses, including how to identify weaknesses in their testimony and undermine their credibility.


All current members of the Serbian Attorney Association are welcome.

This event promises to be an invaluable resource for attorneys looking to enhance their litigation skills and leverage expert testimony to achieve successful outcomes in their cases. Do not miss this opportunity to learn from one of the foremost authorities in the field.

This is a FREE event, but registration is required.

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