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Andrija Lazarevic
Chicago-Kent College of Law

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What is your current role and what are your main responsibilities?

I am currently an LLM student at Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology. Alongside my studies, I am a licensed attorney from Niš, Serbia, where I have been practicing law for several years. My responsibilities are multifaceted—towards myself, my family, and the country I come from. As the only student from Serbia who traveled exclusively for education on an F1 visa this year, and one of the very few who have undertaken such an endeavor, I feel an added responsibility to make the most of this opportunity and represent my country in the best light possible.

What three words would you use to describe yourself?

Consistent. Innovative. Ambitious.

Please share a brief overview of your career path and how you got to where you are today.

I completed my undergraduate law studies at the Faculty of Law, University of Niš. Simultaneously with starting my legal traineeship with one of Serbia's most respected commercial law experts, I enrolled in a master’s program in commercial law at the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad.

During my studies, I developed a profound interest in IT law, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain technology, which led me to dedicate my master’s thesis to this field. I became the first student in Serbia to defend a master’s thesis on blockchain technology as a legal phenomenon, achieving the highest grade. The current Dean of the Faculty of Law in Niš greatly supported me during the preparation of my thesis, providing invaluable guidance and recommending essential reading materials. Throughout my career, I have primarily worked on litigation and personal injury law cases. Practical experience in these areas has helped me develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, further guiding my professional path toward legal innovation.

My interest in emerging technologies continued to grow, bringing me to Chicago-Kent College of Law, where I enrolled in the LLM program "Legal Innovations and Technology"—one of the few programs combining law and IT (blockchain, cryptocurrencies, AI, web3, DeFi). I received a 75% scholarship, which allowed me to embark on this challenging yet exciting academic journey. In my first year, I attended classes online while working as an attorney in Serbia during the week and dedicating weekends to lectures. In my second year, I moved to Chicago to continue my studies and learn from leading legal experts and peers worldwide. I will graduate in May 2025, earning a Master of Laws degree in the United States. Although I currently live in the U.S., I hope to contribute to advancing the legal framework in Serbia, especially in IT law, cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and artificial intelligence—areas that will require regulation.

I believe Serbia has significant potential for development in these areas, and I hope that one day, my knowledge and experience will help create a favorable regulatory environment to attract innovation and investment. My professional journey is not just a story of personal growth but also a desire to support the global integration of legal and technological innovations, opening opportunities for future generations of lawyers and tech professionals.

What inspired you to pursue a career in law?

My greatest motivation comes from my desire to help people. The most rewarding feeling in my profession is seeing the satisfaction on a client’s face after a successfully resolved case. I also aim to restore people’s faith in the legal profession by showing them how much they can gain by hiring an attorney compared to what they were initially offered.

Additionally, I am motivated by the desire to legally empower and modernize underexplored areas such as IT law, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrencies. I am convinced that law plays a crucial role in shaping the future of technology, and the possibility of contributing to developing innovative legal solutions that integrate new technologies into everyday life gives my work meaning and drives me forward. I also want to contribute to the global community while creating opportunities to improve Serbia’s legal system, making it more attractive for innovation and investment.

What are some of the most notable achievements in your career?

Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work on various cases, but some have left a particularly strong impression on me due to their significant impact on my clients' lives.

One of my greatest successes was in a severe car accident case, where I secured substantial monetary compensation for my client for their injuries and damages. This compensation not only covered medical expenses but also provided financial stability during their recovery.

Another notable case involved a custody battle where I represented a mother in a highly challenging process against an influential father in Serbia. I successfully proved that the mother was the best choice for the child, bringing security and peace to the family.

Additionally, I have helped numerous clients establish their businesses. Although starting a business can be a complex and lengthy process, my timely advice and efficient preparation allowed many clients to launch their ventures without obstacles.

These successes are not just professional achievements but reminders that my work can profoundly impact people and their lives. These results motivate me to keep striving and always give my best for my clients.

What do you find most rewarding about your work?

The most fulfilling part of my job is the opportunity to make a real difference in people’s lives. There is no greater feeling than helping a client reclaim what is rightfully theirs or solving a problem that has been causing obstacles in their everyday life for months or even years.

One of the most emotional moments was helping a client recover her life savings after falling victim to an online scam. Seeing the relief on her face reminded me why I do this work.

Another fulfilling experience was assisting a client who had been without personal identification documents or health insurance for 17 years, having fled a neighboring country due to wartime. When she finally obtained Serbian citizenship, she knew her struggle had been worth it.

I also recall working with a client who inherited a large estate from abroad. This inheritance completely changed his life, and he couldn’t believe it was even possible to resolve. Helping people restore hope and resolve their issues is the most rewarding part of my job and what continues to motivate me.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

The best advice I ever received came from an experienced colleague who told me at the start of my career: "Always stand up for justice and protect your integrity because that’s the one thing no one can take away from you."

He also said, "Never forget where you came from because if you lose your roots, you lose your purpose."

These guiding words taught me that being a lawyer is not just a profession but a mission—a responsibility towards clients and society as a whole. They remind me to stay connected to my people, my country, and the values that shaped me.

This sense of duty has become the foundation of my work and life.

How do you balance your professional and personal life?

As someone who worked 10 to 15 hours a day in Serbia’s legal field, balancing personal and professional life was a major challenge. However, my desire to spend time with family and maintain a social life always prevailed. While I didn’t succeed every day, I made an effort to reserve weekend evenings for my loved ones and friends. Sleep was often sacrificed, but my clients never were. I always strived to meet their needs at the highest level, even when it meant giving up my own rest.

Currently, while studying in the U.S., I am fully committed to my education. With good organization and perseverance, I manage to balance my academic responsibilities and still find moments for rest and socialization because balance is key to long-term success.


Please share a fun or interesting fact about yourself that not many people know.

I first visited the U.S. in 2014 as an undergraduate student through the Work and Travel program. At that time, I enjoyed the experience but was convinced I wouldn’t return, except perhaps as a tourist. However, life had other plans, and here I am today, dedicated to my studies and new challenges.

Regarding hobbies, I have been training in the gym for 18 years, which has become a part of my lifestyle. Unfortunately, since moving to the U.S., my workouts have been neglected, but I am determined to fix that.

I am also a big fan of sport fishing and can’t wait for summer to try my luck at Lake Michigan.

What do you hope to get out of the Serbian Attorney Association?

Through membership in the bar association, I expect opportunities to connect with colleagues who share the same professional goals and values. Networking with experienced lawyers from the U.S. and the diaspora is invaluable for personal and professional growth. I also hope that membership will allow me to contribute to the community by exchanging experiences, ideas, and expertise, and collaborating with colleagues to find new ways to help our people, wherever they may be.

I believe that unity is essential for advancing the legal profession, and membership in such an organization is the perfect opportunity to work towards that goal while continuing to learn and grow as a lawyer.

Spotlight Saturday


Andrija Lazarevic
Chicago-Kent College of Law

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